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File manager alert 6/8/2007

Google News Alert for: file manager

Advocating Linux / OSS to Management.
Slashdot - USA
NET: File a bug report. Wait. Hope nobody exploits it while waiting. Wait for fix to be developed. Wait for Patch Tuesday. Continue to be vulnerable while ...
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3370 Software downloads for
The database allows for multiple file attachments including multiple revision reports, and photos. This powerful application will handle tens of thousands ...
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Tickle File
followthemedia.com (subscription) - Geneva,Switzerland
Simple, you kayak down Main Street, which is what the Gloucester Echo's distribution manager did to deliver several hundred copies of the newspaper. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: file manager

RS-MM problem
By chalatso
Anybody have similar problems, or ideas? By the way, when I click the greyed-out memory card icon in the 770's file manager, I get a message saying, "Memory card not available. USB cable connected"
Internet Tablet Talk Forums - http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums

5 Must Have Free Tools
It is a complete little file manager, albeit lacking a bit in bells and whistles. Download here. Audacity: Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, ...
Lockergnome Nexus - http://www.lockergnome.com

Launch everything: Launchy
By K-IntheHouse
Give it a whirl, if you fancy a Windows experience with no Windows Explorer or Total Commander or any file manager of your choice. If you use Launchy, why not share your tips and tricks here in the comments? ...
ShanKri-la - http://www.shankrila.com/

WYSIWYG Progress Light
By JohnD
I have just finished implementing an AJAX file manager which also integrates with FCKEditor and tinyMCE - it's called (strangely enough) "Ajax File Manager." The integration instructions could be a lot clearer, but I managed by reverse ...
ExpressionEngine Community Forums - http://expressionengine.com/forums/

KFM 1.0 released
By Kae Verens
This is an important release for me, as it marks the completion of the original feature-set that I had in mind when I first started the project - match and exceed FCKeditor's default file manager, and provide extras such as multiple ...
klog - http://verens.com

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