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File manager alert 11/9/2011

Malware declares war on Android OS
Business Standard
Malware attacks on mobile devices, especially on Google Inc's Android operating system, have surged in recent times, says computer security researchers. According to Trend Micro, a global cloud security leader, there has been a 14-fold increase of ...
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This Is How Fast MS Windows 8 OS Boots [Video]!
We have seen glimpses of Microsoft’s upcoming Windows 8 OS already. A set of fresh and interesting features also came to light, recently. Now, Microsoft has posted an official video showing Windows 8 boot time. The operating system takes a ...
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A Look At Operation On The iPhone 4
Market Press Release (press release)
Much is made of the stylish looks and the high specification found on the iPhone but equally as important to the phones success is the wonderfully simple operating system which makes the phone both fun and easy to use. Market Press Release – September ...
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Android Ice Cream Sandwich First Possibly Jelly Bean After
Phones Review
We all know that the next operating system to be delivered from the Google camp will be Android Ice Cream Sandwich, an OS that will be for both smartphones and tablets, but what about the operating system after Ice Cream Sandwich, will Google continue ...
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Could Android Jelly Bean Be the Successor to Ice Cream Sandwich?
PC Magazine
How else to explain the buzz being generated by a thisismynext.com report about potential codenames for Google's follow up to its upcoming Android mobile operating system? The follow-up to Google's current-generation Android 3.0 Honeycomb OS that's ...
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Bare-metal Client Hypervisors
IT Business Net
The other client virtualization strategy, Type 2, places virtual machines on top of the operating system. The bare-metal approach offers the potential for better performance since fewer layers of software are involved. The technology is also considered ...
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NUTS: Sprint Tries to Block AT and T, Apple Gives Samsung Headaches
Forbes (blog)
CEO Vic Albioni said the Waterloo-based company is putting all its eggs in one basket by depending on its QNX operating system to restore the BlackBerry name. The criticism comes as RIM faces declining sales, market share and stock price. ...
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