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File manager alert 12/9/2011

Atempo Archiving Now Supports Linear Tape File System (LTFS)
Enterprise Storage Forum
By - Enterprise Storage Forum Staff Atempo has announced that Atempo Digital Archive (ADA), the company's file archiving solution for businesses, is now fully compatible with the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) platform, an open-source data format that ...
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Why We Need Windows 8 Tablets
At least Android provides a file system users can access--even if it's a mess with haphazard folder nomenclature and requires third-party software to tap into it. Google admits it never intended for Android's file system to be accessed and used as ...
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Law Professors and their Initial Remarks on the Leahy-Smith Patent Reforms
Professor David L. Schwartz, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Date of Public Disclosure: The Congressional language about "first-to-file system" is somewhat misleading. The text of the bill, and floor remarks of Sen. Kyl, make clear that the key date is ...
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