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File manager alert 14/9/2011

Windows 8 and OS X Lion: How Do They Compare?
Windows 8 is far from ready, but the developer preview gives us a chance to see how it compares to Apple's OS X Lion. By Nate Ralph, PCWorld It's still far too early in Windows 8's development cycle to pit the nascent OS against its fully baked ...
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OS X code suggests iMessage could come to iChat
14, 2011, 11:06am PT No Comments It seemed like a no-brainer when Apple first unveiled iMessage for iOS devices: Why not build it into OS X, too? Well, turns out we may soon see iMessage work across nearly all Apple hardware, if new code discovered in ...
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How Windows Made Your Life Better And You Don't Even Appreciate It (MSFT)
San Francisco Chronicle
This is what made Microsoft huge in the first place -- its original operating system, MS-DOS, worked on any IBM-compatible hardware and helped create the PC market. To this day, there are far more types and models of Windows PCs than there are Macs. ...
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40 Percent of Fortune 500 Companies Claim Their Biggest Mobile Challenge Is ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Highlighting the confusion over the muddled mobile space, the iPhone retained its position as the highest-prioritized operating system for companies to support for the second year in a row. This is despite Nielsen's recent report stating Android holds ...
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