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File manager alert 17/9/2011

ROS (Robotic Operating Systems) Everywhere!
IT Business Net
By Frank Tobe Willow Garage's ROS (Robotic Operating System) provides a collection of software libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. ROS provides device drivers, visualizers, message-passing, package management, ...
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System Requirements For Windows 8 Operating System
Blogote (blog)
Trying to blur the line between mobile and desktop Operating System, Microsoft's Windows 8 is optimized to run on any system seamlessly. Microsoft released the beta build of Windows 8 recently, and the set of recommended system requirements delivers a ...
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Windows 8 and OSX Lion: How do they compare?
But Apple's recently released OSX Lion offers up the most recent, competing view of what a PC operating system should look like in the age of the smartphone and tablet. I like to think I'm platform agnostic: I game on a Windows desktop, ...
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Microsoft Charm
Washington Post
By TechCrunch.com, Chew on this: two days after unveiling the developer preview of the next generation of its Windows operating system (“Hands On With Windows 8″), Microsoft filed a US federal trademark registration for the word 'CHARM'. ...
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Happy 20th Birthday, Linux: 10 Cool Devices That Embrace You
The Linux operating system is not just for nerds. Even though you may not realize it, chances are you probably have a version of Linux running right under your nose. It's found its way into a multitude of devices, both large and small. Today, Sept. ...
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Week in IT: Build, Windows 8, and what your IT department should do
Ars Technica
By Ars Staff | Published September 17, 2011 10:30 AM Hands-on with Windows 8: it's good stuff on the PC, too: Windows 8 will be an exciting and capable tablet operating system. But traditional PC users are more than a little worried about how it'll ...
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Windows 8 - after the dust has settled
The best way to describe Metro is that it a mobile operating system sitting next door to a full desktop operating system. In principle Metro apps are a "start-again" technology and in principle you can't use Win32; and in the same way you can access ...
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Are Mobile-Style Interfaces Leaving Desktop Power Users Behind?
There are clearly going to be lots of improvements in Windows 8, but the change I find most interesting is the operating system's touch-enabled, mobile-style Metro interface, which reminds me a great deal of Ubuntu Linux's Unity. ...
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Microsoft Cracks Live Migration Problem
By Joab Jackson, IDG News With the next release of Windows Server operating system, Microsoft has conquered one of the thorniest problems in virtualization: moving an operational virtual machine (VM) across a wide area network (WAN). ...
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